XD lol dude what
XD lol dude what
merry christmas XD man I love this! good composition. The cell shading is great! you know? for your other more realistic renders, maybe try starting out with a cell shaded look to block out the lights and darks. know where the light is coming from. then add gradation and secondary light source. :P for this one I know the light is coming form the top C: that is good
Thanks for the review! I appreciate any comments and critiques on my art, and I'm glad you took the time to do so.
Doing the cel shaded look is how I originally started when I began coloring my work years ago, and I still do it on occasion, mainly when I do Pokemon art. I'll keep your suggestions in mind with my next works; they make sense, and maybe I can get my other works to pop like my cel shaded one :D
Thanks again for the advice!
Joined on 1/27/14